The Wednesday Waffle

Author: Rahul Krishna

My friend Nami send me this Instagram Reel about a concept called The Wednesday Waffle. I found the whole concept intriguing. Sort of like a weekly accountability update — with friends.

I missed the first one due to my best friend’s wedding. However, I did send her an update as soon as I could. As of writing this, the next update is due tomorrow.

I haven’t done much this week. But I’m hoping that having this ritual in the back of my mind is going to make me more productive, connected and content in life.


You record a short video where you talk about the past week. These shouldn’t be shared in a group. These are personal videos intended to be sent to one person. There’s no specified time limit or guidelines — but my intention is to keep it as short as possible.

My plan is to divide it into three sections as of now

  1. Life Updates
  2. Books or Media consumed in the last week
  3. Plans for the upcoming week

nonpracticinggenuis’ Instagram Reel

mamamia article

Newsweek article

From the Newsweek Article

“There have been hundreds of comments from people saying it has helped them reconnect and build deeper connections with friends and family that live in different parts of the world,” he said. “But by far the most incredible feedback has been from commenters suggesting that the idea will save lives, and that their loved ones might still be here had they had something like this with their mates.”

This project is maintained by rahulakrishna on GitHub. You can find me on Mastodon